I figured out where the smells were coming from and made a bee-line for the back of the lot where I saw a food trailer. As I walked up the smell got stronger, better and sent my foodie senses into overdrive. I placed my order and noticed the sign which read “Taco Heads.” I loved the name from the first time I saw it. After I received my food and got some of their delicious sauces, I was ready to chow down. The anticipation was killing me.
After I took my first bite it all came together like a perfectly designed plan. The tacos were really on point. Everything was fresh, colorful, and house made. The flavor profiles at Taco Heads is amazing and the house made sauces really pop with flavor. “Taco Heads” has built a new brick and mortar location in Fort Worth on Montgomery Street. The location is fantastic, they have a wonderful outside patio with great chairs, bright colors, and a nice street view. I happen to love street dinning so I truly enjoy the outside dinning areas. The service and staff are always nice and friendly and the tacos are always and I mean always fresh, delicious, and on point!
Check out “Taco Heads” today and tell’em you Chow With Trey too.
God Bless and Thanks,
Trey (Chow Down) Chapman
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