Truffles Anyone? Are You Kidding?

A close up of some food on a paper

Good Day,

A man and a woman standing next to each other.
Chef Marcus & Trey

This is a story written by Chef Marcus Paslay of the world famous Clay Pigeon and Piattello Italian Kitchen in Fort Worth. What a night it was!!

Truffles Anyone?

Winter white truffles are in season so I purchased some ($1200/pound FYI). I have been selling them at Clay Pigeon for $25/gram. That’s right we’re using metric, as you do when using a product as valuable as truffle. When acclaimed food columnist Trey Chapman of Trey’s Chow Down came in for dinner tonight I thought he would get a kick out of being able to smell such a rare product in its whole form. So like a generous restauranteur I took a WHOLE truffle to Trey and said “put your SNIFFER on this” what happened next is siamotainously the craziest, funniest and most gut reaching thing I have ever witnessed in my life. Trey-effing-Champman bit into that SOB as though it were an apple. As I watched him chew what amounted to $220 (my cost) worth of France’s finest foraged product I was in shock. I learned a very valuable lesson today which I feel obligated to share with everyone. DON’T put anything in front of Trey Chapman unless you want him to eat it!!


Marcus Paslay 

Trey Chapman is the Creator of Trey's Chow Down, Drink With Trey, and Trey's Chow Down T.V.. Always searching for the best chow, drink, chef's and good times for our fans and followers!