Good Day,

This is a story written by Chef Marcus Paslay of the world famous Clay Pigeon and Piattello Italian Kitchen in Fort Worth. What a night it was!!
Truffles Anyone?
Winter white truffles are in season so I purchased some ($1200/pound FYI). I have been selling them at Clay Pigeon for $25/gram. That’s right we’re using metric, as you do when using a product as valuable as truffle. When acclaimed food columnist Trey Chapman of Trey’s Chow Down came in for dinner tonight I thought he would get a kick out of being able to smell such a rare product in its whole form. So like a generous restauranteur I took a WHOLE truffle to Trey and said “put your SNIFFER on this” what happened next is siamotainously the craziest, funniest and most gut reaching thing I have ever witnessed in my life. Trey-effing-Champman bit into that SOB as though it were an apple. As I watched him chew what amounted to $220 (my cost) worth of France’s finest foraged product I was in shock. I learned a very valuable lesson today which I feel obligated to share with everyone. DON’T put anything in front of Trey Chapman unless you want him to eat it!!