Good Day Chow Hounds,

Two years ago, my buddy and creative genius – Celebrity Chef Marcus Paslay, told me he had an idea for an Italian restaurant. As most of you may know, my family owned an Italian restaurant and my father Barney married an Italian lady twenty-five years ago. Half of my family consists of genuine, authentic Italians. They speak Italian, live in Italy, raise children in Italy, have businesses in Italy, and we have a family home in Italy. I’ve traveled all over Italy. I’ve gotten to eat and chow down on some of the most amazingly fresh Italian food you could possibly have by some of the most incredibly talented Italian Chefs of the world. One of them-my father Barney, dedicated his life to studying the history, food, and general way of life in Italy.
That being said, when Marcus told me he had this idea for creating the perfect Italian restaurant concept, I drove away thinking, come on Marcus, you’re as Texan as Texans come, what are you thinking Chef? An authentic Italian restaurant in Fort Worth? But then I pondered on this idea as I drove down the back roads on the way out to the ranch.

You have to understand, Marcus is a die-hard Texan boy who loves Texas so much that it runs through his veins like gravy over a biscuit. You see, being a real Texan means you have no quit in you. You don’t take no for an answer, you don’t believe in the option of failure, you take no prisoners, and you make the deal happen at any and all cost! When you do make it happen, in most cases, the blood, sweat, and tears you poured into the venture creates a wonderfully well oiled machine that everyone will enjoy, or in Chef Marcus’s case; an incredibly, amazing, truly authentic Italian restaurant that goes by the name Piattello Italian Kitchen!

Piattello, in my professional opinion, is one of the best Italian restaurants I’ve eaten at in the world, and I’ve eaten at a bunch of them. Marcus has not only created a vibrant, upbeat atmosphere, but his menu is creative, delicious and extremely on point. The colors and decor at Piattello are beautiful and bright and the restaurant is wide open, which I love. I think that Marcus loves his restaurants open so he can watch everything that happens by the second, but that’s just my opinion. I love open concept restaurants where you can see everyone socializing and the staff taking care of business.

After I had dined there three times in one week, I had this brave idea to get my family to try it out. They had just arrived from Rome, Italy and I knew this would be the real test. So I called dad and sent them over to chow down at Piattello. My father, Barney, hadn’t even left the parking lot when he called me to lend his option of Piattello! He couldn’t believe how delicious it was, how awesome the service was, and how friendly and fantastic the staff was. I just said, “I know dad, that’s just Marcus Paslay-perfection at it’s finest.”
There are two types of perfection, there is perfection as we know it and then there is perfection as Marcus Paslay knows it! Marcus’s perfection has no boundaries and no limitations. Perfection to Marcus isn’t even good enough. He requires that perfection becomes perfection, which is extremely hard to perfect in any business, especially the restaurant business. Somehow Chef Marcus Paslay has created one of the most amazing Italian restaurants in Texas.
Get to Piattello today, try the house made pastas, pizzas, pastries, coffee and more! You will soon understand what I’ve always believed since my first delicious dish at Marcus’s award winning Clay Pigeon. Chef Marcus Paslay is truly a creative genius that understands only one thing, that perfection is just never good enough, it has to be ‘Marcus Perfect.’
God Bless and Happy Chowing,
Trey (Chow Down) Chapman
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