Howdy Chow Hounds and Barbeque Lovers,

Today, we’re at the world-famous LEWIS BARBECUE in Charleston, South Carolina, to research the meaty deliciousness we’ve heard so much about. This is where pitmaster and barbeque legend John Lewis has created a world of his own in the vast field of freshly prepared barbeque and eats. If you know me and my addiction to creative chefs, pitmasters, and culinary pioneers, you know why we had to make the trip.
When you make the corner and pull up to LEWIS BARBECUE, you notice the massive modern restaurant that bears his name. To be honest, it’s breathtakingly beautiful and totally unexpected. Set up with a beautiful Charleston landscape encompassing large southern trees, it’s inviting, cozy, and warm. You feel right at home or in someone’s backyard enjoying BBQ. But you’re not! You’re at the world-famous LEWIS BARBECUE fixing to slang back some of the BEST BBQ in the United States.
I live for telling back stories because anything tastes better with a little story-ness behind it. A trailblazer in the neo-traditional style of Central Texas barbecue, Pitmaster John Lewis uses his custom-made smokers to produce expertly smoked pork spareribs, beef ribs, “Texas hot guts“ sausage, and his legendary world-famous beef brisket.