“Nothing-NOT a conversation, NOT a handshake or even a hug establishes friendship so forcefully as eating together!”

Jonathan Safran Foer

Buzzin at Buzzmill!

A bowl of food on top of a table.

Turning twenty-one was suppose to change everything. No longer would my friends and I wander around late at night, scratching our heads, puzzled on what to do because everything has closed. No longer would bold, black Xs mark and signal my youthfulness to the masses. No longer would I jealously chug water as my friends tipsily giggle an order for more rounds. I planned to rage- paint the town red some might say.

Pssh, what a fail that plan was. My birthday rolled up on me so quickly (on a Monday no less) that to celebrate I merely accompanied my friend to my favorite hangout, “Buzzmill,†for my first legal alcoholic beverage at that magic midnight marker.

The NEW amazing M Bistro!

A plate of food with some fried meat and sauce.

A group of chefs posing for a picture.
“Culinary Deram Team”

If you drive into Montgomery Plaza, off 7th Street in Fort Worth, from any direction and roll your windows down- you can smell it. All you have to do is sniff the air, and I am sure you can smell the deliciousness cooking up at the NEW M Bistro. I did, I have dined at the M Bistro four times now, and each time, Chef Steve Mitchell has something new and exciting for me to try.

Laid Back At “Lazy Dog”

A plate of food with meat and vegetables.

Good Day Chow Hounds,

A building with a tall tower on the top of it.I am going to say about 8 or 9 months ago; I was ripping down Hwy 121, in Euless with my foot mashed on the floor of my Dodge, like I usually drive, and looked over and saw this big, lodge-looking building in the process of being constructed. That is why I love driving so much in Texas; I get to see so many things you would not see otherwise. Don’t get me wrong, it is always nice to board a private jet or a helicopter to move about, but I love driving. I am so A.D.D. it is hard for me to sit still, but when I am behind the wheel, I feel better.

So, as I stated, I saw this beautiful lodge-looking building. My curiosity was running at full tilt! I just had to find out what it was. It didn’t take me long, after a few U-turns and couple of streets later, there I was. I jumped out and asked the guys working what they were building. The guy said, “Man, it’s a Lazy Dog!”

I then said, “Lazy Dog? What is that?”

The Amazing GRACE!

A restaurant with tables and chairs in front of a wine cellar.

A man pouring champagne into wine glasses.
Owner “Adam Jones”

Good Day,
Some years back- I can’t even remember how long ago now, I met this Chef and his name was Blaine Staniford. I enjoyed meeting Blaine and loved discussing food together. Blaine always likes to discuss his food and dishes with a passion. Time has evolved since then and so has GRACE, www.facebook.com/Grace-50687573514/Fort Worth.

A man in white jacket standing next to a counter.
Chef “Blaine Staniford”

The owner, Dain “Adam†Jones, focuses on providing the best dining experience possible, and Chef Blaine Stanford focuses on creating creative, colorful and delicious dishes. Chef Blaine works hard at his seasonal dish creations, and his flavor profiles are always on point. He changes his menu 4 to 6 times a year to keep up with the seasons, or just whenever he feels like adding something new.

Brunch Perfection At Souk !

A wooden platter with different types of food.

A room with curtains and lights hanging from the ceiling.
Moroccan Theme.

They roughly describe Souk at Trinity Groves as Moroccan street eats in a warm, festive space with outdoor seating and a hookah lounge with belly dancing. I would just say, “Souk is Modern Moroccan Perfection.”

I was introduced to Souk, through the new Trinity Groves development in Dallas a few weeks ago. I looked up their menu and saw they offered brunch. Oh man, I thought, that’s my favorite thing to do! I search high and low for great brunching spots all year long, so I was extremely excited to try Souk’s.

A woman in a purple and blue costume is dancing
Belly Dancing!

When I arrived and first walked in the front door of Souk I heard a, “Can I help you sir?” from a soft voice. I love it when a restaurant staff is trained to speak to you right when you enter the restaurant. It’s a little thing I like to call “outstanding customer service.” Acknowledging you’re there makes you feel comfortable and starts the dining experience off with warm fuzzes. It’s always noticed and appreciated. I looked around and noticed all the fantastic decorations and beautiful Moroccan theme. I felt very comfortable and fell in love with the coziness and warmth of the restaurant right away. I loved it all even the extra mile that went into even the most minuscule of details.

Chic Chinese Food And Drinks With Flare!

A plate of food with some meat on it

Good Day Chow Down Fans,

A building with a tree in front of itToday I want to discuss a little house with lots of old world charm, a great atmosphere, fantastic interior colors with plenty of great Chinese dishes to choose. This beautiful chic paradise goes by the name of Cannon Chinese Kitchen.A plate of food on top of a table.

Cannon Chinese Kitchen was built and designed in an old home on the South Side close to Magnolia Ave. on Cannon Street. It has an excellent old school paint job and is filled with colorful wallpaper, chairs, and decor. The owners left all the rooms intact, so when you’re inside the restaurant, it feels like you’re in a home of sorts.

Blaze Is A Blazing!

A pizza sitting on top of a table next to a drink.

A pizza sitting on top of a table next to a drink.
“Meat Eater” from Blaze

Good Day,
I always say, if someone doesn’t like pizza or bacon then keep one eye on them all the time, because they have got to be a bit SHIFTY!
I was told about “Blaze Pizza” some time back, but being in the restaurant business all my life it is unfair to do a review when a place first opens. You need a couple of visits, and you need to socialize with some people at the restaurant to get a better feeling for a place.

Sugarfina Candy Land Opulence!

A group of people standing in front of a store.

Hello Candy Lovers,

A shelf filled with many different jars of candies.
Candy, Candy, Candy!

A display of blue containers on shelves in a store.Last week I heard a new candy store called Sugarfina opened at NorthPark Center in Dallas. I immediately stopped what I was doing, and Google’d “Sugarfina.” If you know anything at all about me, I’m a complete candy and sweets junkie. I grew up on Haribo Gummy products and even toured the Haribo Gummy factory in Germany when I was a boy.
When I heard the word “Sugarfina,” my senses went into overdrive, and I had thoughts of dancing gummies, chocolate bars, and pecan clusters just laid out waiting to be picked and eaten. But, when I looked it up, it said Sugarfina; A Candy Boutique? So in my Texan brain, I thought “Oh, a Candy Boutique? Are they selling candy dresses, shoes, purses, and candy jewelry?” Whatever it was I had to get to the opening and check this out.

Let’s Go To Arpeggio!

A plate of food with meat, rice and vegetables.

Hello Foodie Fans,

A table filled with different types of food.
Arpeggio Grill.

A good friend invited me out to lunch for Mediterranean cuisine by his job one afternoon, but considering the twenty minute or so drive out there, I wasn’t exactly sold. That is until he started to describe the place to me. He talked of low stained glass hanging lights, the mural painted walls and even the option to sit on the floor with cushions and enjoy your meal, it was called Arpeggio Grill.

He then dropped the bomb, they had a $7.99 lunch special.

Obviously, I met him up there and was happy to rediscover the location to one of my favorite hookah lounges was right next door. The inside was definitely warm and cozy. The upbeat, casual greetings of the staff member behind the line of food instantly put a smile on my face. He happily answered any and all of my questions I had about the food and I confidently filled my plate with items I could barely pronounce.

Dry Age Beef

A piece of meat on top of a cutting board.

Hello Beef Fans,
Dry aged beef changes the mouth feel, the bite, the tenderness and the flavor completely for me. There is no way to tell another what the different flavor is unless they had been eating it and figured out for themselves the difference.

A piece of meat on top of a cutting board.
Dry Aged Cooler

The “experts,” with all their fancy tools will tell you that twenty-one days is all that is needed because it does not get tender much after that. I’m personally looking for something more than just the tenderness that comes from “Dry Aging”. I like the combination of all those qualities above plus the flavor. I prefer six weeks aging; yes, the cost increases A LOT because of the lengthier aging process, but so does the deliciousness of the meal.

Hopdoddy Hops To 7th Street!

A close up of an egg sandwich on a bun

Good Day Chow Hounds,

The West 7th area is growing at A large sandwich with pickles on top of it.warp speed! New retail and restaurants are spreading faster than rabbits running from coyotes!

The Fort Worth dining scene is quickly becoming one of the biggest and best in the good ole USA! Last month, we found out that we are going to be having a new burger joint HOP into town that goes by the name Hopdoddy in the new LeftBank Development off 7th Street!