Sweet and Decadent Unique Treats in the USA for 2025 As Seen on Dr. Phil, ABC, and FOX Networks

A collage of different desserts and cakes.

Hello, dessert and sweet lovers. We have something special for you.

A group of people standing around a table with food.
The Sweetest Day on Dr. Phil’s Morning On Merit Street national news and information show.

First, we want to THANK Dr. Phil’s Merit Street Media “MORNING ON MERIT STREET SHOW” and The Fox Network “THE TEN SHOW” for hosting us with our Unique Sweet Treat destinations list for 2025.

I love desserts, sweet treats, candies, cakes, cupcakes, and anything sweet. We’ve been traveling the USA coast-to-coast for years and compiled a list of some of the most creative, fresh, decadent, savory, and sweet treats everyone can enjoy.

If you are a true sweets lover, you’ll love this list. The great thing about this list is that you can visit one of the sweet treat locations in person to enjoy the sweet deliciousness or have them shipped. That’s right! Most can be shipped directly to your home, office, or anywhere with an address. It’s easy, and you can enjoy what we’ve been enjoying for years.

What is a sweet treat? A sweet treat is a unique and enjoyable food, such as candy, cookies, pies, pastries, desserts, donuts, chocolate bars, chocolate creations, and so much more. So many sweet treats are available that it’s truly an endless adventure. Sweet treats are good for your soul and can make you happy, pleasurable, and euphoric with every bite you take. 

I’ve been addicted to discovering the best for years. In my travels, I found some fantastic dessert locations, candy shops, cookie makers, confectionery creators, and many others. I wanted to share them with you so we can all enjoy some savory, sweet deliciousness for the holidays.


Buckle up! It’s time to ride the sweet train to Deliciousville:

Best Breakfast In North Texas – Rise & Shine!

A table full of different types of food.

Good Morning Y’all! Rise & Shine!

That’s always an appropriate way to kick off a great morning.

A group of women standing next to each other.
The first Chapman Family Restaurant LACY’S Est. 1905

If you are one of the three and half million people we currently reach every month, thanks for following us! If this is your first time visiting Trey’s Chow Down; HELLO! Welcome, and thank you for stopping by! I highly encourage you to watch more of our television broadcasts, social media episodes, Live weekly podcast, and give us a follow on social media.

The history of breakfast in America is an unusual story; For decades, workers had a meal to start the day, but it was generally small—a chunk of bread, a piece of cheese, perhaps some ale. Then the first cold breakfast cereal was invented around 1863. Back then they relied heavily on cornmeal. Will Kellogg invented cornflakes in 1894 (by accident) and the rest is history as we know it.

In the 1920s, 30’s and 40’s, companies made eggs, bacon, and toast the widespread breakfast choice through advertising. As folks made larger incomes and the women had more time on their hands, a traditional hot breakfast started to become a family or business event.

My family owned restaurants during this time. Two diners named Lacy’s that served a variety of cuisine, and one breakfast place that opened in the early 1940s in down town cowtown. My grandfather loved breakfast. Who am I kidding? He loved any and ALL food. MY entire family loves to chow down. That’s the reason we where in the restaurant business for over one hundred years beginning in 1905.

I happen to love BREAKFAST! So the BEST BREAKFAST article seems appropriate, especially since we have so many fantastic breakfast spots in the North Texas area.

As you know I love food. However, I am extremely partial to breakfast. I love waking up early, getting things done, then chowing down on a delicious Texas breakfast to get my motor running.

When I was a boy, I would get up very early and look forward to breakfast. If I was traveling with my dad for our restaurant business, I would love to hit up the hotel’s cafes buffet and pile on the bacon, eggs, and of course, biscuits and gravy. Breakfast was simpler in those days just the basics.

I remember one morning my dad asking me if there was any of the pork left on the buffet or if it was all on my plate? He basically called me a little breakfast piggy, but it was not going to stop this munch-a-sorus named Trey! While I have always been a big eater, the allure of breakfast sends my taste buds and senses into “Full Tilt Breakfast Boogie“!

Who doesn’t love a reason to eat some delicious waffles, a cheesy omelet, or a bunch of bacon. I always tell anyone that will listen that if a person does not like the flavor of bacon, they must be either shifty, shady, or plum crazy! Any of those three are enough to make me keep a close eye on them until I can finish and make my exit. You will not be touching my breakfast or my bacon!

I enjoy dining at cozy colorful establishments with great service and a down-home southern feel. They don’t have to serve southern food to have a southern feel, you know what I mean? It’s all about being friendly and having that big smile on your face that makes all the difference.

I enjoy any and all breakfast foods. Breakfast sandwiches, waffles, omelets, biscuits and gravy, heck…I even love some of those big sweet creative waffles, sweet rolls, and colorful pancake dishes that folks are serving up nowadays.