Best Chicken Dishes In North Texas

A plate of food on top of a wooden table.

A man and woman posing for the camera.
ABC DAYBREAK Kara and Trey’s Chow Down

I bet everyone is tired of turkey and ham at this point right after the holidays.

After we spoke with the producer at ABC DAYBREAK about a new BEST food segment we decided to locate and try some of the most savory and delicious chicken dishes in the North Texas area. I’ve eaten chicken from East Texas Sulphur Springs area all the way west to Weatherford trying to locate the most unique savory dishes that everyone can enjoy.

Although this is Texas, and Texans love beef, these days creative chicken dishes grace almost every menu in Texas.

Beef still rings king in Texas but chicken has to be number two without question.

I love telling food stories and I truly believe food always tastes better with a story and a little food history never hurts either.

Ever since I was a little boy I’ve been passionate about food, but I’ve LOVED me some chicken. I like it fried, roasted, baked, grilled, dry roasted, rotisserie-cooked, and even cooked on a trash can lid. Yes, you read that correctly, cooked on a trash can lid. Let me explain!

A grill with some meat cooking on it
Rapscallion Dallas Massive Rotisserie

I was traveling through Jamaica just chowing down on everything I could find (like I’ve done many times before). I was riding in a van and we passed this guy cooking right off the other side of the road. I couldn’t see what he was cooking, but I could smell it. Man… did it smell delicious. Now you have to understand he was cooking roadside in a hut style that was anything but normal looking. It was basically falling down! The food was on top of two trash cans cooking. I could smell and see the smoke. I yelled at the driver, “Hey man what’s that dude cooking and why is he roadside?†The driver yelled back, “Man, that’s authentic Jamaican jerk chicken he’s cooking and he’s selling itâ€! I told the driver I want to stop when we come back and everyone looked at me like I was crazy. The driver yelled back, “Yea man, gotcha!†We did make our stop and I’ll never forget how incredibly delicious that authentic Jamaican Jerk Chicken tasted coming off that trash can lid. I’ve never tasted that flavor profile again. I purchased three more of those farm-fresh trash can chicken dishes for the road, and off we went.

I don’t care what it’s called I love me some cluck cluck. You just can’t go wrong with a savory delicious chicken dish. Especially when it’s prepared fresh by a creative chef even on a trash can lid.

Here is a little chicken history for everyone;

The History of the Chicken is simple. Domestication of the chicken dates back to at least 2000 B.C. and their ancestry can be traced back to four species of wild jungle fowl from Southeast Asia. … The chicken belongs to the genus Gallus of the family Phasianidae. Domestic chickens are simply classified as Gallus Domesticus. I bet you weren’t aware of that. That where all eating Gallus Domesticus! To tell you the truth I didn’t either until I did a little food research.

I truly don’t care what we call it but I know is delicious!

A talented chef can create so many options for a savory chicken dish using any part of the chicken. There truly are no limits to the deliciousness of chicken. Please enjoy our best chicken dishes choices.

Michael’s Cuisine Restaurant

Best Chili Dishes In North Texas 2019

A bowl of chili with tortilla chips and ice cream.

It’s been chilly outside a few days this month. Anytime it’s cold I start thinking about delicious savory chili.

If you follow me, you know how much I LOVE beef or proteins like chicken and pork. That being said winter and the cold time of year always screams CHILI to me with plenty of proteins for that downhome southern comfort feeling.

Two men standing at a table with food.
Brandon and Trey’s Chow Down

Today chefs prepare chili with various types of proteins. They use ground beef, smoked brisket, smoked rib meat, bacon, or pork belly, venison, some even use chicken!

Gone of the days of old where chili just had ground beef.

The possibilities are truly endless when chefs are trying to create the tastiest chili dish.

You can’t forget vegan chili… Some folks just want chili without the beef! To each his own. I just want everyone to enjoy some lip-smacking, toe-tapping, knee-jerking chili of their choice.

When I eat my chili I get a bowl of flavorful chili top it with massive amounts of cheese, some onions, jalapenos, and a dash of my favorite hot sauce. I get cozy and start chowing down on my favorite chili.

If you research chili you will find that is was proudly introduced in Texas, yep San Antonio.

“An old legend holds that immigrants from the Canary Islands brought a recipe for chili with them when they settled in San Antonio in the early 1700s. Historians do know that chili was a popular meal amongst cowboys and pioneers on the Western frontier. In the 1880s, chili stands became popular in San Antonio selling chili citywide.”